(206) 485-0140 dc@cedarbladelaw.com

Get past the fear and anxiety of litigation with a personable and professional lawyer.


Criminal & DUI

Facing criminal charges is stressful, and fighting criminal charges is difficult. So it’s crucial to have a lawyer who can evaluate your case, explain the process, and help you know what to expect. I have defended hundreds of people from criminal charges in over 40 courts across seven counties, as both private counsel and a public defender. I am prepared to fight for you at every stage of your case.

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Changes in family structure are difficult, even when the people involved can see eye to eye and mostly agree on what should happen next. I have represented people in divorces with and without children, complex cases involving allegations of domestic abuse or neglect of parenting duties, committed intimate partnerships, and many other types of family law matters. 

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Civil Rights

The United States Constitution protects people from many types of discrimination and unreasonable government actions. Unfair treatment by police or other government agencies could violate a person’s constitutional rights. When this happens, certain Federal laws allow people to sue the government for damages. People cannot sue for violations of the constitution for Washington State, but some state laws still protect individuals from unfair government treatment.

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Many laws exist to protect workers from unfair treatment in the workplace. Illegal pay practices and discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, gender, language, age, disability or any number of factors still happen, and workers still need protection. If you are working in a hostile or abusive situation or you were forced to leave your job because of unfair treatment, knowing your rights and your options is the first step to protecting yourself and showing your employer that what they did was wrong.

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Contact me anytime.

For a review of your case, please fill out the form below or call (206) 485-0140.